Make your own stream so other players can watch how you play or how you fight. To view players who casting, just log into server without password, and you will see the list of streamers. When someone has a password, just type password and you will be able to watch him. |
Name | Level | Description | Viewers |
Command | Function |
/cast on | Turning on your cast |
/cast off | Turning off your cast |
/cast desc | Your cast description |
/cast bans | Your cast banned players |
/cast mutes | Your cast muted players |
/cast ban nick | Ban player on your cast |
/cast mute nick | Mute player on your cast |
/cast unban nick | Unban player on your cast |
/cast unmute nick | Unmute player on your cast |
/cast status | Checking status |
/nick player_nick | Making nickname on someone cast |
/info | Checking info on someone cast |